“Thor, you’ve been at the cookie jar again – you know the drill…” One mournful look, and your heart starts melting: how can you not feel guilty for stuffing that big bundle of love into a large dog crate?
I am convinced there’s a degree out there for dogs that master the best ways to make you feel guilty – and don’t fool yourself, they all manage to obtain that diploma!
If you can’t bear to think of your sweetheart in a big dog cage, just consider that you may be looking at this the wrong way. Let’s reexamine the issue from your boy’s perspective…
Best Large Dog Crates: a Canine Perspective
There’s nothing as freeing as watching a big dog running with abandon on the beach, or gallivanting around in a medley of other titans. But get Thor home, and suddenly his world shrinks dramatically. Assuming your dog is not roaming around Buck House, he probably feels the walls closing in on him whenever he returns home. It’s suddenly hard for him to find a spot where he won’t be getting in the way. It’s the real estate war all over again.

Enter a large wire dog crate, and all of a sudden he has a place he can call his very own: Thor’s personal space inside your home. A spot where he can lie down and observe the whole household coming and going, where he is free to rest his weary bones after all that running around without fear of being trod on. Thor might as well own his private condo which no one may enter, specially the kids!
Choose a collapsible crate, and Thor can feel at right at home when y’all go visiting…
A Large Dog Carrier for Travel
But what happens when you take to the road? Where does he fit in and keep safe?
Not to worry, a large dog carrier functions pretty much like a large dog travel crate with a little muscle built in. Just check to make sure that your chosen carrier meets airlines’ standards.
For a camping trip or summer at the cottage or even the backyard, a strong steel frame crate with heavy-duty mesh panels may be the way to go.
Built with entry doors on top, in front and on the sides, it provides easy access while allowing proper ventilation. Your dog won’t just be cool, he will look cool and be the envy of all his friends.
Even a mundane trip to the vet or the groomer will turn into an expedition!
A Large Dog Cage – No, It’s Not Jail!
Images of jail bars popping into your mind yet? Built with thick metal posts, a big heavy-duty dog cage may well remind you of a jail cell.
But relax! Though large dog cages may look intimidating and even downright threatening to us, it seems that dogs don’t necessarily share that view.
In fact, many dog owners who have purchased a dog cage as a last resort in order to keep their dogs from destroying the family home have reported that their best friends had adapted very well to their new enclosure which they seem to regard as a safe haven.
Even with the door left open, their dogs would happily sleep in there and forget all about separation anxiety! Maybe those sturdy bars are there to protect them from the big, bad outside world after all…
The Backyard Kennel: Freedom Without the Worry
For peace of mind in your backyard, at the cottage or while camping, large dog kennels for outside can be easily dismantled and transported where you need them.
Built of metal panels made to fit together, they provide your dog with freedom of movement without fear of his being attacked by a stray animal or getting lost.
Two or more kennels can be secured together to make an extra large dog kennel that will accommodate multiple canine friends. The perfect solution to provide fresh aid and exercise for an older dog or one recuperating from surgery while keeping him safe.
As you can see, large dog crates come in all sorts of shapes and materials for different uses. Find the best large dog crate or kennel that offers the perfect solution for your needs, and your big pooch will likely thank you for being so thoughtful.